Spells List

Dear Diary Spells Cosplay Ecchi School

Daily Affirmation

"I effortlessly attract six figures this year from my OnlyFans, YouTube, fashion brand, and investments. I embody soft, magnetic, and divine feminine energy. I receive wealth with ease, grace, and pleasure. I am financially abundant, supported, and thriving."

The Money Door Spell

"The infinite gates of wealth stand wide open before me. I am a supreme magnet for prosperity, drawing endless wealth with unstoppable power. Money flows to me effortlessly through countless channels, multiplying with perfect precision. My entire being is perfectly attuned to infinite abundance. I exist where opportunities eagerly seek me out. The universe delights in showering me with riches, recognizing me as a master of wealth. I AM abundance itself - everything I touch transforms into gold. Reality itself rearranges to deliver prosperity to me in magnificent ways."

Fun & Money

"The more fun I have the more money I make"

Fun & Money

"I know it is my duty to live wealthy. I know money is an abundant energy. I know money is a tool to help me live as I desire. I know I am ready to be wealthy."

Right Path

"Everything I do is the right path, beacuse I am right"

For Eye Sight

"My eyes are God`s eyes. I see with the eyes of spirit. I see clearly the open way; there are no obstacles on my pathway. I see clearly the perfect plan."

Clarity & Bettering

"I embody pure excellence in every moment. My highest potential flows through me naturally and effortlessly. Infinite wealth, success, and love radiate from my core. I am living mastery, experiencing peak achievement in all areas. My presence transforms reality, attracting abundance and deep connections. I vibrate with absolute certainty of my divine power. I am not becoming - I AM, right now, the ultimate expression of prosperity and love. I am already complete, already whole, already manifested in my most magnificent form."

Best Possible Outcome

"I am aligned with perfect timing and infinite possibilities. Every outcome unfolds in ways far more magnificent than I can imagine. My mind expands to recognize and seize extraordinary opportunities, allowing me to flow in harmony with the universe's abundance. The path ahead reveals itself with crystal clarity, and I move forward with unwavering confidence and divine guidance. Everything I desire manifests in ways that serve my highest good and exceed my greatest expectations."


"God please protect me" "I`m divinely guided and I`m divinely protected." "I call back my power from all the people, places, and situations that have been stealing it without my consent now. And I give back any power and energy that is not mine to carry."